Digital Signage

Tamimah is bulk SMS and SMS gateway provider in Oman, offering reliable and                cost-effective mobile messaging solutions to businesses of all sizes.



Media Library

It facilitates the formation of a Media Library, which encompasses images, videos, recordings, and files uploaded and utilized during the execution of a Campaign in the Application. The Media Library allows the organization of content using nested folders and tagging, streamlining the management of content.


SSD-backed choices include a volume specifically crafted for high-throughput performance and transaction-intensive capabilities, scalable to any size.

Highly Abailable & Durable

The content repository architecture ensures reliability with storage designed for 99.999% availability and an annual failure rate (AFR) of 0.1%-0.2%.


The content repository architecture ensures reliability with storage designed for 99.999% availability and an annual failure rate (AFR) of 0.1%-0.2%.

Easy to Use

Creating, utilizing, encrypting, and safeguarding your data in media/content storage repositories is a straightforward process. This system enables you to expand your storage seamlessly without causing any disruptions to your capabilities.

Highly Scalable

The Cloud Application enables you to increase storage without any disruption to your capabilities.